January was Radon Awareness Month. We were happy to see a surge in radon testing (and mitigation) as more people are increasingly aware of the effects of radon gas.
I would like to pass along something I experienced last month. We were contacted by a client to conduct a radon test. The client and his wife were recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Neither one of them ever smoked. Therefore, their doctor recommended that they test their home for radon. The home did test high for radon and they both stated that they wish they would have known about it sooner. They certainly would have tested for it as soon as they learned that it could lead to lung cancer. They strongly urged all their friends and family to test as soon as possible.
Radon induced lung cancer, like cigarette smoking, develops from exposure over a lifetime. Reducing the levels of radon now can prevent this situation from happening to you and your family.
Precision Environmental Services provide Radon Testing. Contact us today.
Dupage County, Kendall County, Cook County, Kankakee County, Will County, and Metro Chicago Area south and west communities